Prag / Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, p.b.o. (A) (S)

Looted Art

Datum: 04/09/2025

Enddatum: 05/11/2025

(A) = Exhibition
(S) = Social media

Time independent digital presentation

Items confiscated by the Nazis
Persecution-related withdrawal/War losses
History of the collection
Provenance research as a discipline

Documentation Centre for Property Transfers of the Cultural Assets of WW II Victims, p.b.o.

Čs. armády 34/828
160 00 Prague 6

Beteiligte Person(en):
The Documentation Centre Team


To mark the 7th Provenance Research Day (TdP) the Documentation Centre has prepared an online exhibition entitled Looted Art. The exhibition will present the fates of original owners and their collections, the war and postwar handling of works of art and also particular institutions that were or still are the administrators of this property.

Bildrechte: Looted Art online exhibition