Storia della provenienza delle opere d’arte / History of Provenance of works of art
Lezione per il corso triennale in Beni artistici, librari e dello spettacolo
Datum: 08/04/2024
Enddatum: 08/05/2024
Beginn: 08:30 Uhr
Ende: 10:30 Uhr
(V) = Lecture / Panel discussion
Face-to-face event
History of the collection
Provenance research as a discipline
Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Cultural Industries (DUSIC), University of Parma
Piazzale della Pace, 7/A
43121 Parma
Beteiligte Person(en):
Prof. dr. Federica Veratelli (University of Parma)
Link zur Veranstaltung:
Link zur Institution:
Due to the recent development of provenance research activities of works of art in various institutions and museum facilities in European and non-European countries, the course aims to provide the student with the basic knowledge of provenance history through the methods, tools and approaches used in different cultural contexts and applied to specific case studies.